Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Said There'd Be Posts about Turning 30

It's been said that 30 is the new 20, but my suspicion is that it's probably not. Frankly, I hope not. I'm actually looking forward to 30 a lot more than 20. Unless I could go with Doc Brown in a DeLorean and a Flux Capacitor, I wouldn't re-do my 20s for anything.

Of course there are things to dislike about aging, but I'd rather focus on what I love about this age. One of my favorite things is figuring out who I am and who I want to be. It seems like a simple and cliche statement, but true nonetheless. Some folks call it being comfortable in your own skin. That part I'm still working towards.

Here are some things I've learned about myself:

Recently I came to terms with the fact that I'm actually an introvert. It came as a surprise to me too. I think I let other people affect how I view myself way too much (another getting older lesson). Some people I've known for a long time may argue. That's okay. It's true I can be talkative and make friends easily, but while I love relationships with people, they wear me out. I also don't share my business with people too often.

I have found I love to be on a schedule. The more I eat and sleep at regular times, the happier I am. Like a baby. This makes me believe, though, that people of all ages need that. This is another concept that seems simple.

I hope in 30 more years to have simplified even more of my life.

Another thing I've learned is the power of being someone who is comfortable making decisions. It seems so many people aren't. While I still have trouble choosing a restaurant when going to dinner with a friend, I believe I am good at making decisions. Sometimes the process is stressful, but I love it. It's so rewarding to know something is decided. This has the potential to drive me crazy of course. I'm okay that some things I don't get to decide. This falls under the category of learning to trust the Lord in my life.

That's another dichotomy of being Christian and a single person. I have to learn self-reliance and reliance on the Lord at the same time. This balance will take me a while. I'm okay with that, too. That's another advantage of this age--finally figuring out how to be an adult without having to be old yet. In any case, thankfully I still have a few months to prepare for the big 3-0.

Have any of you had any surprising revelations about yourself as you've gotten older?

Oh, P.S.--today's oatmeal is peaches and cream, which IS my favorite of the fruit and cream types so far.

Picture swiped from

1 comment:

  1. Peaches and cream is my favorite too! :)

    Something I've realized about myself, or rather more about life in general as I've gotten older is that the myth that I believed as a teenager that 'nothing bad will happen to me,' well, just isn't true. Not that bad things happen all the time to me or the people around me, but I've realized that I'm not immune, and everything takes work and effort, care and attention. That's a revelation that was slightly shocking to me and stumped me for awhile, but I'm grateful for those learning experiences!
