Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why Oatmeal?

It would be nice if I were clever here and had some big, exciting, cosmic reason for oatmeal... but I don't. I've started eating oatmeal every day to get my cholesterol down. Because of the risk (I perceived) of getting bored with eating the same thing every day, I'm making a concerted effort to try different flavors. The more I thought about the specific decision to do the right thing for my health, the more my mind associated it with making choices for personal growth. So, oatmeal it is.

There are many choices I need to make choosing the good and/or rejecting the bad in the area of eating, but like any other life changes, it gets overwhelming to take on everything we dislike about ourselves at once. So, again, oatmeal it is.

I'm a believer in setting some short-term, attainable goals. I'm also a believer in finding reasons to celebrate.

I also was trying Kashi cereal, but that is a discussion for another day.

Today's flavor of choice is maple and brown sugar. Thankfully the maple is very mild (sorry, Canadians, bleh). This flavor has sort of become the staple in between other choices.

Of course, coffee goes best with any flavor.

What are your short-term, attainable goals?

1 comment:

  1. I have lots of goals for the year! :-) I'll have to blog about them. heh heh. Potty-training may or may not be involved.
